What is Anesthesia?
nurse-Preparing for anesthesia

It is a Greek word which means “without sensation” it is used during surgical procedures.to keep patient relax and sesneles so that the surgical procedure can be performed.
In an ideal anesthesia there is analgesia, temporary paralysis of muscles, and un-consciousness.
Assessment of patient before anesthesia

A. History taking
i) Smoking, chronic cough, drugs or alcohol taking history of allergy from any drug
ii) History of recent therapy with steroids, anti-hypertensive, sedatives, antibiotics, anti-epileptics.
iii) History of diseases like diabetes, cardiac arrest, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and Aids.

B. Examination of the patient
i) General examination before anesthesia for example examination of teeth , mouth opening, tremors , jaundice and cyanosis.
ii) Respiratory system evaluation
iii) Airway evaluation
iv) Cardiovascular system examination
v) Spine curvature and structure evaluation 

Types of anesthesia:

1. General anesthesia
2. Local anesthesia
3. Topical anesthesia
4. Spinal anesthesia
5. Epidural anesthesia

1. General anesthesia
it is a reversible state of loss of consciousness in which all sensations i.e touch, pain posture and temperature are abolished.
It is used in major surgeries for example thyroidectomy, mastectomy , cardiac surgery, and other major surgeries in which the patient must be unconscious and loss of sensations.
General anesthsesia has 3 main components
a. Analgesia
b. Hypnosis
c. Muscle relaxation

Instruments and equipment used during general anesthesia:


Face masks 

anesthesia Face Mask

Endotracheal tube

Orophyrangeal Airways

Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)

Magill’s forceps


Ambu bag

Suction unit

Anesthesia machine

anesthesia machine

Some anesthetic agents which are used to induced general anesthesia

Gaseous anesthetic agents:
Nitrous oxide

Intravenous anesthetic agents:

Propofol (most commonly used iv induction agent)

Volatile anesthetic agents:


Some muscle relaxants used in general anesthesia:

Depolarizing agents : suxamethonium  chloride , suxthonium bromide
Non-depolarizing agents: tubocurarine, pancuronium bromide, vecuronium bromide atracurium

Reversal agents:
                        Neostigmine with atropine is used as a reversal agent.

Monitoring of the patient with general anesthesia in recovery phase :

Pulse,temp, bp
Skin color tongue color
Cardiac monitor
Serum electrolytes

Some complications of general anesthesia

Cardiac arrest
Respiratory failure
Malignant hyperthermia
2. Local anesthesia
local anesthesia

  The local anesthesia is the type of anesthesia in which the patient is conscious and only that area which has to be treated is blocked by local anesthetic agent which block the transmission of nerve impulse through that part .
It is indicated in the conditions like where general anesthesia is avoided, consciousness of patient is required.
Local anesthesia drugs
Lignocaine /lidocaine /xylocaine

3. Topical anesthesia

In the minor surgeries like in the surgeries of eye ,and in the gastroscopy , laryngoscopy cystoscopy topical anesthseia is used.
Topical anesthesia is available in the form of spray, viscous, ointment gel, etc

4. Spinal anesthesia

In this type of anesthesia an injection of local anesthetic agent is given in the subarachnoid space causing loss of sympathetic tone ,sensation and motor function.
Position for the spinal anesthesia :
Lateral decubitus position with head hips and knees being fully flexed.
Drugs used in spinal anesthesia :
Lignocaine 5%in 6% dextrose
Bupivacaine 0.5% in 5% dextrose
Cinchocaine 0.5% in 6%dextrose
Instruments used for spinal anesthesia
Sponge holder
Lumber puncture needle
lumbar puncture needle


5. Epidural anesthesia

The epidural anesthesia is given at the potential space between the dura anteriorly ligamentum flavum posteriorly which has negative pressure in it .

An epidural catheter is placed in the space and fixed .2% xylocaine with adrenaline or 0.5%bupivacaine is injected in the space.